The influence of industrial relations mediators’s for-Mal communication style and negotiation techniques on the settlement of work strikes with conflict man- agement mediaries: a conceptual mod…
The decline of enthusiasm to work of employees of PT. NAV Jaya Mandiri is caused by the lack of duration of the work agreement or the amount of wage value that is considered unsatisfactory. These…
This study aims to: (1) to determine the effectiveness of the socialization of the BPJS Employment program on Social Security participation (2) to determine the effectiveness of BPJS Employment s…
This study aims to: (1). To analyze and find out the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the welfare of workers/labor. (2). To find out and analyze the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the busin…
Agen pelayaran kapal memiliki tugas yang penting di dalam pengurusan dokumen untuk kepentingan kedatangan dan keberangkatan kapal di pelabuhan. Dalam prakteknya, kedatangan dan keberangkatan ka…